Additional Terms and Conditions for Ingram Micro Seamless Move
The following additional terms and conditions apply to your activation and use of the Ingram Micro Seamless Move service (“Seamless Move”). Any references to “you” or “your” in these Terms are references to the company which you represent and which is going to use the Services.
- Terms of Sale & Terms of Use
All purchases are subject to the sales terms set forth at Cloud Politics (the “Site”) and service setup information, including but not limited to pricing, (where applicable) set forth in the marketplace. For the avoidance of doubt, notwithstanding the presence or acceptance by Ingram Micro of Your order, such shall be for administrative purposes only and the parties agree that the governing terms and conditions shall be those set forth at the Site unless otherwise agreed to in writing by Ingram Micro and You. - Additional Terms
In addition to these Terms, your use of Seamless Move may initiate transfer, import, migration, or other order types on your behalf for Adobe VIP or Adobe Cloud (“Adobe”) services, and Microsoft CSP or Microsoft NCE (“Microsoft”) services. You hereby acknowledge that you have read and accepted the Additional Terms associated for Adobe located at Adobe Cloud Terms and Microsoft located at Microsoft - Terms and Conditions - Product Description
Seamless Move will allow you to transfer or import your customer's Adobe or Microsoft subscription into a customer account in Ingram Micro Xvantage or the Cloud Marketplace, subsequently enabling all of the features and functions available for subscription management and billing. For Adobe subscriptions, this may include the transfer of subscriptions from the Adobe VIP program to the Adobe VIP Marketplace program, as well as the import of the subscription into the specified customer account. For Microsoft subscriptions, this will include only the import of the subscription to the specified customer account. - Reseller Responsibilities
You are solely responsible for the accuracy, quality, integrity, and reliability of all data provided through Seamless Move. You must ensure that all data meets these standards and is maintained and corrected as necessary, including the accurate mapping of customer subscription information to the corresponding customer account. - Future Modifications
Ingram Micro may at any time modify these terms and conditions. You and Your customers must regularly monitor the Site for any such modifications. The modified terms and conditions will be effective immediately after it is posted on the Site. Your purchase and resale of the Services and You and Your customers’ use of the Services after any such modification will be deemed acceptance of such modification.